Web Design
Graphic Design
Digital Marketing
General questions
- Electronic transfer
- Bank deposit
- Debit or credit card:
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Diners Club
- Discover
- Paypal
- Mercado Pago
- Convenience stores:
- Oxxo
- 7eleven
- Extra
- Farmacias Benavides
- Farmacia Esquivar
- Súper Farmacias
Yes, you can make a purchase from all over the world.
This is an exclusive platform for CaemosBien.com customers so that they can create tickets and check their project status, contact us about such projects, download invoices, check delivery dates, and download files once their projects have been delivered.
This is what allows us to keep a continuous communication with you about any doubts you may have and/or the follow-up of your projects. You can create a ticket from your user panel.
Go to our Contact us section or click here to send us a message so that we can contact you as soon as possible.
Select the product you want to purchase, add the selected project to the cart, and make the payment. If you have a discount code, enter it when making the payment. Then you will receive an email with the brief so that you can answer all questions as elaborately as possible for us to provide you with the best assistance.
This is a strategic and informative document, made by the client, that clearly defines the required product or service. The Brief must include the strategic goals, mandatory details, and crucial needs. This document is delivered to the agency or provider independently or in a pitch before submitting proposals.
Web design questions
Web design is an activity that consists of the planning, design, and implementation of websites.
The web page is an electronic document made up of text, audio, images, videos, and any required digital elements. The web page is hosted in a server and can be visited from a smartphone or computer.
An online store is a website specially created to sell products or services.
A landing page is a website comprised of one landing web page in which a guest navigates after clicking an email, advertisement, banner, or post, etc.
WordPress is a content management system that allows to create and manage a blog or a web page.
WooCommerce is a free eCommerce plugin that allows to sell any product or service with elegance.
Website maintenance is a service that includes keeping up to date any technical issues of a website or page.
A domain is the name that identifies a website. Each domain has to be unique on the Internet.
This is the service that provides to Internet users a system to store information, images, videos, or any available contents on your website.
A SSL certificate provides security to users that visit your web page. It is also a way to inform your customers about the authenticity, realness, and reliability of the website so that they can enter their personal data.
A dedicated IP provides your hosting account and website with a unique IP address, which cannot be shared with any other website in the same server.
In your User Panel in the message section.
This is a program that allows you to transfer your files between your local computer and the web space you have available in your hosting.
The most recommended programs to upload files using FTP are the following:
– FileZilla (https://filezilla-project.org/)
– Cyberduck ( https://cyberduck.io/)
– Smart FTP ( https://www.smartftp.com/)
Digital Marketing questions
This is paid advertising through social media.
This is the payment made in Google Adwords each time someone clicks on the advertisement of your web page.
This is the process of campaign creation for social media that is aimed ay positioning your website or product.
This is the creation process of videos, images, infographics, etc. that will be posted on your business social media.
This is a set of actions focused on improving the page positioning in search engine results for determined consultations of different users with the aim to increase web traffic organically.
Graphic design questions
Graphic design is an expertise or profession with the aim to meet the needs of visual communication.
This refers to the word itself and is identified by text.
Graphic design is an expertise or profession with the aim to meet the needs of visual communication.
The text and the icon encompass the isologotype. Both have to be included and cannot work separately.
This is the symbolic element of the brand, which can be recognized without the text.
Business cards provide the representation of the most important data of a company, individual, or business.
The email signature appears at the end of an email. This includes the individual’s information and aims to give identity to the message.
Letterheads are usually used in the stationery of companies and by professionals. These are aimed at providing seriousness and, as opposed to regular paper, they have a distinctive mark called “letterhead”. It is part of the visual identity of the company or business and is employed in different fields (logotype, email, web page, address, etc.).
PPT presentations are a tool created by Microsoft in 1987 for diverse operating systems, such as Windows or Mac OS. PowerPoint is one of the most comprehensive presentation programs at present.
General questions
- Electronic transfer
- Bank deposit
- Debit or credit card:
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Diners Club
- Discover
- Paypal
- Convenience stores:
- Oxxo
- 7eleven
- Extra
- Farmacias Benavides
- Farmacia Esquivar
- Súper Farmacias
Yes, you can make a purchase from all over the world.
This is an exclusive platform for CaemosBien.com customers so that they can create tickets and check their project status, contact us about such projects, download invoices, check delivery dates, and download files once their projects have been delivered.
This is what allows us to keep a continuous communication with you about any doubts you may have and/or the follow-up of your projects. You can create a ticket from your user panel.
Select the product you want to purchase, add the selected project to the cart, and make the payment. If you have a discount code, enter it when making the payment. Then you will receive an email with the brief so that you can answer all questions as elaborately as possible for us to provide you with the best assistance.
This is a strategic and informative document, made by the client, that clearly defines the required product or service. The Brief must include the strategic goals, mandatory details, and crucial needs.
Web design questions
Web design is an activity that consists of the planning, design, and implementation of websites.
The web page is an electronic document made up of text, audio, images, videos, and any required digital elements. The web page is hosted in a server and can be visited from a smartphone or computer.
An online store is a website specially created to sell products or services.
A landing page is a website comprised of one landing web page in which a guest navigates after clicking an email, advertisement, banner, or post, etc.
WordPress is a content management system that allows to create and manage a blog or a web page.
WooCommerce is a free eCommerce plugin that allows to sell any product or service with elegance.
Website maintenance is a service that includes keeping up to date any technical issues of a website or page.
A domain is the name that identifies a website. Each domain has to be unique on the Internet.
This is the service that provides to Internet users a system to store information, images, videos, or any available contents on your website.
A SSL certificate provides security to users that visit your web page. It is also a way to inform your customers about the authenticity, realness, and reliability of the website so that they can enter their personal data.
A dedicated IP provides your hosting account and website with a unique IP address, which cannot be shared with any other website in the same server.
In your User Panel in the message section.
This is a program that allows you to transfer your files between your local computer and the web space you have available in your hosting.
The most recommended programs to upload files using FTP are the following:
– FileZilla (https://filezilla-project.org/)
– Cyberduck ( https://cyberduck.io/)
– Smart FTP ( https://www.smartftp.com/)
Digital Marketing questions
This is paid advertising through social media.
This is the payment made in Google Adwords each time someone clicks on the advertisement of your web page.
This is the process of campaign creation for social media that is aimed ay positioning your website or product.
This is the creation process of videos, images, infographics, etc. that will be posted on your business social media.
This is a set of actions focused on improving the page positioning in search engine results for determined consultations of different users with the aim to increase web traffic organically.
Graphic design questions
Graphic design is an expertise or profession with the aim to meet the needs of visual communication.
This refers to the word itself and is identified by text.
This is a combination of an image and text, which can work separately.
The text and the icon encompass the isologotype. Both have to be included and cannot work separately.
This is the symbolic element of the brand, which can be recognized without the text.
Business cards provide the representation of the most important data of a company, individual, or business.
The email signature appears at the end of an email. This includes the individual’s information and aims to give identity to the message.
Letterheads are usually used in the stationery of companies and by professionals. These are aimed at providing seriousness and, as opposed to regular paper, they have a distinctive mark called “letterhead”. It is part of the visual identity of the company or business and is employed in different fields (logotype, email, web page, address, etc.).
PPT presentations are a tool created by Microsoft in 1987 for diverse operating systems, such as Windows or Mac OS. PowerPoint is one of the most comprehensive presentation programs at present.